Specialty Support Courses

Specialty Support Courses

Major Elective Courses

About Major Elective Courses

Major Elective courses are also known as specialty support courses.  These electives are a portion of the ABT curriculum that allows students to broaden their scientific knowledge outside the major requirements either to strengthen knowledge in biotechnology or to complement this knowledge to support training for various career paths. 

Since ABT is a science-based degree, it is expected that your specialty support courses will consist of coursework from scientific disciplines or in clear support of a science-based career in a closely related field. For that reason, the majority of specialty support courses listed in the university’s degree audit system are science courses. 

As new courses are developed, the specialty support list is expanded to include classes related to animal and plant research, human healthcare and courses that professional schools require for admittance (for example, ECO 201 is required for pharmacy school). 

When choosing your specialty support courses, you and your advisor should choose courses that build a theme of interest for you. In this way, the specialty support portion of your program allows you to tailor your degree (and your knowledge base) to fit your particular career goals and interests. 

Occasionally, a student may identify a course that fits their career goals but is not designated as ABT specialty support. The student may submit a request to the Director of the Ag and Medical Biotechnology program for approval as a specialty support course.  If the course is approved, it will be added to the student's list of specialty support courses in the GPS degree audit.  Specific directions are listed in the ABT program’s Canvas Community, the learning management system for the university.

*NOTICE:  The list provided represents a sample of the specialty support courses.  It is provided for the convenience of the user and should not be considered the official version. Please refer to the student’s GPS degree audit for the complete listing of specialty support courses.  

The official version of this material is available in the University of Kentucky Bulletin. The user is advised to refer to and rely upon the official version of this material when making significant decisions or judgments.

Specialty Support Courses by Program

A&S 306 Spirit Chemistry (3 hours)

ACC 201 Financial Accounting (3 hours)


ABT 396 Research Experience in Biotechnology (1-4 hours)

ABT 480 Special Topics in Ag & Medical Biotechnology (1-6 hours)

AEC 302 Agricultural Management Principles (4 hours)

AEC 303 Microeconomic Concepts in Agricultural Economics (3 hours)

AEC 305 Food and Agricultural Marketing Principles (3 hours)

AES 301 Frontiers in Agricultural Ecosystem Sciences:  Microbiomes (3 hours)

AES 320 Agricultural Ecosystem Sciences Field Experience (2 hours)

AES 416G Cover Crops in Agroecosystems (3 hours)

AEN 341 Brewing Science and Technology (3 hours)

ANA 209 Principles of Human Anatomy (3 hours)

ANA 210 Principles of Human Anatomy Laboratory (1 hour)

ASC 362 Animal Genetics (3 hours)

ASC 364 Reproductive Physiology of Farm Animals (3 hours)

ASC 378 Animal Nutrition and Feeding (3 hours)


BCH 395 Independent Work in Biochemistry (3 hours)

BCH 419G Molecular Basis of Human Disease (3 hours)


BIO 303 Evolution (3 hours)

BIO 315 Introduction to Cell Biology (4 hours)

BIO 325 Introductory Ecology (4 hours)

BIO 350 Animal Physiology (4 hours)

BIO 375 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (3 hours)

BIO 425 Biology Seminar (1 hour)

BIO 430G Plant Physiology (4 hours)

BIO 427 Seminar in Microbiology (subtitle required) (1 hour)

BIO/MI 482 Virology (3 hours)

BIO/MI 494G Immunobiology (3 hours)

BIO/MI 495G Bacterial Pathogenesis (3 hours)

BIO/PGY 502 Principles of Systems, Cellular and Molecular Physiology (5 hours)

BIO 507 Biology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (3 hours)

BIO 509 Brains & Buds: Neuroscience of Pollination (3 hours)

BIO 508 Evolution (3 hours)

BIO 520 Bioinformatics (3 hours)

BIO 530 Biogeography and Conservation (3 hours)

BIO 535 Comparative Neurobiology and Behavior (3 hours)

BIO 550 Advanced Physiology (3 hours)

BSC 251 Culture and Health Behavior (3 hours)

BSC 301 Shadowing and the Culture of Medicine (3 hours)


CHE 226 Analytical Chemistry (3 hours)

CHE 440G Introductiory Physical Chemistry (3 hours)

CHE 532 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Molecules (2 hours)

CHE 533 Advanced Organic Chemsitry Laboratory (2 hours)

CHE 550 Biological Chemistry I (3 hours)

CHE 552 Biological Chemistry II (3 hours)

CME 480 Bourbon Production Engineering for Chemical Engineers (3 hours)

COM 311 Taking Control of Your Health: Patient/Provider Communication (3 hours)

COM 315 Understanding Workplace Communication (3 hours)

COM 471 Intro To Health Communication (3 hours)


CS 215 Introduction to Program Design Abstraction/Problem Solving (4 hours)

CS 216 Introduction to Software Engineering Techniques (3 hours)

CS 275 Discrete Mathematics (4 hours)


CLD 302 Leadership Studies (3 hours)

CLD 320 Community and Communication (3 hours)

CLD 340 Community Interaction (3 hours)

CLM 241 Health and Medical Care Delivery Systems (3 hours)

CLM 323 Social Determinants of Health (3 hours)

CLM 350 Health Policy, Politics, & Law (3 hours)

CLM 452 Community and Institutional Planning for Health Service Delivery (3 hours)


DHN 212 Introductory Nutrition (3 hours)

DHN 241 Food Service Sanitation (3 hours)


EGR 380 Bourbon Production Engineering (3 hours)

ECO 201 Principles of Economics I (3 hours)

ECO 202 Principles of Economics II (3 hours)

ECO 401 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 hours)

ECO 402 Intermedicate Macroeconomics (3 hours)

ENT 300 General Entomology (3 hours)

ENT 340 Livestock Entomology (2 hours)

ENT/FOR 502 Forest Entomology (3 hours)

ENT 561 Insects affecting Human and Animal Health (3 hours)

ENT 568 Insect Behavior (3 hours)

EQM 205 Equine Behaviour and Handling 2 (1 hour)

EQM 210 Tools and Tack in the Equine Industry (2 hours)

EQM 301 Thoroughbred Sales (1 hour)

EQM 302 Equine Event Planning (1 hour)

EQM 305 Equine Industry Issues (3 hours)

EQM 340 Equine Facility Design and Management (3 hours)


FAM 251 Personal and Family Finance (3 hours)

FAM 252 Introduction to Relationships, Marriages, and Families (3 hours)

FAM 354 Contemporary Family Diversity (3 hours)

FAM 357 Adolescent Development (3 hours)

FAM 402 Issues in Family Resource Management (3 hours)

FAM 473 Family Life Education (3 hours)

FSC 434G Food Biochemistry (4 hours)

FSC 530 Food Microbiology and Safety (5 hours)

FSC 535 Food Analysis (4 hours)

FSC 538 Food Biofermentation (4 hours)


FOR 370 Wildlife Biology And Management (4 hours)

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health and Disease (3 hours)

GRN 250 Aging In Today's World (3 hours)

HIS 584 Health and Disease in the U.S. (3 hours)

Please review the specialty support listings in myUK Degree Audit

HMT 420 Beer, Wine, and Spirits Tourism Principles and Practice (3 hours)

HRT 335 Distillation, Wine & Brewing Science (3 hours)

HHS 241 Health and Medical Care Delivery Systems (3 hours)

HHS 353 Ethics in Healthcare (3 hours)

HHS 361 Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety (3 hours)

HHS 402G Muscle Biology (3 hours)

HHS 443 Health Information Management (3 hours)


MI/BIO 494G Immunobiology (3 hours)

MI/BIO 495G Bacterial Pathogenesis (3 hours)

MI/BIO 482 Virology (3 hours)

NRE 201 Natural Resources And Environmental Science (3 hours)

NRE 381 Natural Resourcse And Environmental Policy Analysis (3 hours)

PGY 206 Elementary Physiology (3 hours)

PGY 207 Case Studies in Physiology (1 hour)

PGY 312 Cell Physiology And Pathophysiology (3 hours)

PGY 401G Human Reproduction, Technology, And Society (3 hours)

PGY 412G Principles of Human Physiology Lecture (4 hours)


PHA 200 Pharmacology: Drugs And Human Health (3 hours)

PHA 421G Pharmacology: Principles of Drug Action (3 hours)

PHA 422G Pharmacology of Treating Human Disease (3 hours)

PHA 423G Exploring the Dark Side of Medicine (3 hours)

PHA 424G Pharmacology: Endocrine and Reproduction (3 hours)

PHA 425G Neuropharmacology: Drugs and the Brain (3 hours)

PGY 413G Critical Thinking In Physiology (1 hour)

PHI 305 Health Care Ethics (3 hours)

PHI 335 The Individual and Society (3 hours)

PHI 336 Environmental Ethics (3 hours)

PHI 361 Biology and Society (3 hours)

PHI 380 Death/Dying/Quality of Life (3 hours)


PPA 400G Principles of Plant Pathology (3 hours)

PPA 500 Physiology of Plant Health and Disease (3 hours)


PSY 215 Experimental Psychology (3 hours)

PSY 223 Developmental Psychology (3 hours)

PSY 311 Learning and Cognition (3 hours)

PSY 312 Brain and Behavior (3 hours)

PSY 313 Personality and Individual Differences (3 hours)

PSY 314 Social Psychology and Cultural Processes (3 hours)

PSY 459 Neuropharmcology: Drugs and Behavior (3 hours)

PSY 456 Behavioral Neuroscience (4 hours)


PHY 306 Theoretical Methods of Physics (3 hours)

PHY 335 Data Analysis for Physicists (2 hours)

PHY 361 Principles of Modern Physics (3 hours)

PHY 402G Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements (3 hours)

PHY 404G Mechanics (3 hours)

PHY 416G Electricity and Magnetism (3 hours)

CPH 201 Introduction to Public Health (3 hours)

CPH 310 Disease Detectives: Epidemiology In Action (3 hours)

CPH 351 Population Health And Crisis Management (3 hours)

CPH 365 Special Topics in Public Health (3 hours)

CPH 410 Epidemiology People, Place, And Politics (3 hours)

CPH 601 Environmental Health (3 hours)


STA 570 Basic Statistical Analysis (4 hours)

SOC 255 Medicine, Health, And Society (3 hours)

SOC 335 Sociology of Gender (3 hours)

SOC 339 Introduction to Crime, Law and Deviance (3 hours)

SOC 350 Topics in Sociology (3 hours)

SOC 360 Environmental Sociology (3 hours)

SAG 201 Cultural Perspectives On Sustainability (3 hours)

SAG 390 Agroecology (3 hours)


VS 307 Genetics of Horses (3 hours)

VS 350 Introduction to Anatomy/Physiology and Animal Hygiene (3 hours)

VS 351 Principles of Animal Hygiene and Disease Control (3 hours)

WRD 225 Craft Writing (3 hours)

Additional Program Information

Contact Information

Esther Fleming
Academic Coordinator

N-24C Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-3263
